How to remove metal cleaner polish from your hands

May 07, 2019 2 min read

Have you ever been out in the garage shining up the toys with some metal polish? I'm sure there are plenty of you who have probably gotten into this without gloves on!

We know what its like, to want to have the bike or car shined up looking pretty in the garage. With that comes a cost, normally meaning you're on your hands and knees getting dirty to make them shine.

If you find yourself running into this problem, we have the solution for you! One quick wash with Grip Clean heavy duty hand cleaner and all of the polish residue was absorbed and washed away.

With our unique all natural "Dirt Infused" formula it will leave the hands feeling rejuvenated and ready for the next project!

Use code POLISHREMOVER for 10% off your next purchase!

To check out more information on our product check out our website or other social media accounts below.




Stay tuned for more videos on how Grip Clean can help keep you clean and ready for the next project!


alright guys getting polishing compound on your hands can suck I have here what is this Turtle Wax polishing compound and scratch remover so I'm gonna put some on my hands I'm gonna briefly try to polish up a little piece of aluminum here get some of that black grease on my hands show you guys how to get it off [Music] again I am NOT a professional fabricator or metal polisher I do like to think I'm a professional hand washer so don't criticize me on this polished job so I've seen blacker hands before that sounds pretty bad but yeah obviously but